Friday, August 4, 2017

Week 9: Quebec is on Fire!

So this is unfortunately going to be very short because a) I forgot my journal (which I use to remember everything that happened) and b) my camera has been either lost or stolen.... yikes 

Last Monday: 
We went to the aquarium with our recent convert for P-day! It was so cool! We saw polar bears, arctic foxes, stingrays, walruses, and seals!!! We also ate beavertails which are basically scones with toppings 

Florencio our recent convert :) 

Beavertails (SO GOOD) I got the Quebecois which has maple and chocolate (I basically went into a sugar coma) 

Sister Bascom's 6 month mark so we got Shwarma and Chocolate Favoris! SOOO good!

Chocolate Favoris (basically ice-cream dipped in chocolate and it's soooooo good) 

I went on exchanges with Sister Piscetello and Sister Bantuad. They are wonderful and they are both from France! It was so cool to see how other missionaries do missionary work and to learn from them. They are both from france and so I asked them to do an english fast ( basically they talked in their native language and I tried really hard to speak in french) It was awesome! They even helped me out with a language study plan!

We stopped by our investigators house (her and her daughter are both investigating the church, and now the mom's brother is too!) We talked a lot about her questions from church and got invited to come back the next day! 

Our cute african family we're teaching :) I love them sooooo much!!!!

We went back and taught the plan of salvation. They were really confused about why hell is used so much in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, we were able to explain and I bore testimony about the Plan of Salvation :) They all want to be baptized so badly!

We were able to do 3 lessons after that and we got special permission to go watch a dance show put on by BYU Idaho! It was weird to be there as missionaries, but they had dances from all over the world, including navajo hoop dancing and gum boot dancing from South Africa! Our investigator (who's getting baptized this week!!!!!) like it a lot! 


Transfer calls! Really not that eventful, Soeur Zobrist is going home :( and Soeur Bascom and I are staying together! 
We also weekly planned and at arepas again :) Then we had an amazing 2nd lesson with Tanya about the restoration! She's honestly so golden!!!!


5 INVESTIGATORS CAME TO CHURCH INCLUDING TANYA!!!! They all loved it! Our cute african family was there, and a few others. I'm seriously so grateful to be here right now :) 

Then we went to moins actif in Shannon (military base 30 minutes away). The food was good, but we think they cooked it with alcohol and they gave us non-alcoholic wine coolers to drink. We took a few sips and felt weird, so we stopped drinking it. We had a really good lesson with their son who's a recent convert though! 

Spiritual Thought:

Sometimes the Lord lets us fall down so he can build us back up. I've felt really confused about my purpose here and feeling bad about my inability to communicate. My companions told me to pray about it, and I feel like my job here right now is to learn. 

They also read this awesome letter (which I will forward called the Ricciardi Letter) I know that sometimes we can worry about how we can't do things perfectly, but all we need to do is just do it, practice along they way and trust in the Lord. 

I love you all and I'm so grateful to be a missionary! The Lord truly loves each one of us!!!! 
Sister Smith

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