Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 12: Family History and Temple Trips!

Miracle Lesson:
Our first lesson with Nadine was amazing! We go in and she just starts asking us questions about the temple and we got into a really cool conversation about family history. We ended up calling a senior couple in our district and they came over and we all went over to the church and did family history with her! It was so cool! 

 She also said the day that she met us on the street, she was randomly trying to find Wi-Fi, and it was a miracle that she just happened to be there at the same time. She also prayed about the restoration and she had this really cool experience with a dream, and she believes it`s true! She`s amazing :) I feel so blessed to be part of her story! 

 Members and Lessons: 
I  had been praying for more members to be able to come out with us. Since we have 4 baptismal dates coming up in the next month, we need to help our investigators meet ward members. Honestly our members are amazing, and more than willing to come out with us, it`s just so hard to correlate with last minute lessons, and a lot of people are on vacation.

 A few members were able to come to a few lessons with Victorine and it literally made all the difference! They were able to testify, and explain things to they were more clear! It was amazing! They basically told Victorine and her family that she was entering into a big ward family, that made me so happy :) We`ll leave, but I know that are amazing amis will be looked after! 

 This Sunday I had a chance to share some experiences with members and lessons in church. It was super nerve wracking and I went off script for most of it, which was terrifying! But I basically read D&C 4: 3 and said `This is your mission call, you have been hereby called to labor in the Quebec, Quebec mission`` honestly I feel so bad about not including members more before this, I feel like we see so many amazing things, and I just want everyone else in our ward to see them too! Our new goal is to try to get members to every lesson, and start planning better so they can come :) 

We were able to go to the temple with 2 of our recent converts and 2 recently activated members and their daughter who is our ami (SHE`S GETTING BAPTISED THIS WEEK WE`RE SO EXCITED!!!!!) It was so special, and we were able to help Florencio, our recent convert, take his father and 2 grandfathers names to the temple. Honestly I`m so blessed to be surrounded by such strong and wonderful people! 

We had exchanges this week! I was with Sister Barton in our area!!! Sister Barton is an amazing STL, she has a way of being very straightforward, following the spirit, but with love at the same time. 

 So funny moment of the year, Sister Barton and I just got into our apartment, when the door bolt broke so it was sticking out and wouldn`t go back in, so we tried to fix it. Then I had the brilliant idea of pushing the door closed.... We locked ourselves into our own apparent!!!! We managed call the land lord to come fix it, but it wasn't until the next morning that we could open our door ðŸ˜‚

 We had an amazing breakthrough moments with many of our investigators. One of our amis, who`s really catholic, we stopped by and we got into a conversation about prayer. She said that she really only said prayers that were written down before, but she was open to trying to pray how we did. 

We taught her, and she tried it out. It was so powerful, I could feel the love that Heavenly Father has for her, and for His children. It was amazing... 

Various Photos: 
Sister Bascom, me, Florencio :) 

Our ward took a bus there! 

Our apartment  (if you were wondering what it looks like :) )​

Quebec is absolutely beautiful :)

 Picture of exchanges: Me, Sister Barton, Sister Piscitello, Sister Bascom 

Sister Smith

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