Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 13: BAPTISM!!!! and Mini Missionaries

This week was absolutely amazing!!!! It`s going to be hard to remember all the miracles!  

Probably every missionaries least favorite word, (if not please message me and let me know your secret). We`ve been trying to be better at making time for contacting, because we`ve had so many lessons that we`ve really been slacking.

We`ve started being better about showing the Lord that we are willing to do His work, and we had some cool experiences! I`m only going to share one. Background: Sister Bascom and I used to go out for walks for exercise when Sr Zobrist was still here. And every morning we would pass by this man that was walking a beautiful Husky. 

During Zone Confrence we talked about contacting and I just kept thinking about that man. I determined that the next time I saw him I would stop and talk to him. Fast forward, we just got home from a long Sunday night Institute Kick-Off with our ward. It was 8:45 and I was ready to go to bed. Sr. Bascom felt like we needed to show the Lord that we were willing to do what He asked and so we decided to take 15 minutes and go contacting... begrudgingly I went.

We started walking and Sr. Bascom felt prompted to knock on this door (just one) and man opened the door with a big husky by his side.... He was from Ontario, so he spoke English and we had a really great conversation with him. Right now he`s going through a rough patch in his life and doesn`t really believe in God, it was such a privilege to testify that we had been led to his door, even if he didn`t believe it. He told us if we ever saw him again to stop and talk to him :) amazing! 

The Dutruel`s daughter was baptized by her dad this Saturday! It was an absolute privledge to witness such a tender moment. Soeur Dutruel and I just cried as we watched her daughter become the newest member of our church! 

I honestly love this family so much. They are such a good example of strength and faith. It has been a privilege to get to know them better throughout all the wonderful changes that have occurred in their lives! 

Mini Missionary
So we were at a member`s house and we started talking to their daughter about personal progress. We figured we could help her out by taking her out with us! She was so enthusiastic and her mom agreed!!! 

The next day was amazing, we had a few lessons and Claudia was amazing. After one of our lessons she told us `` I don`t know her, but I love her so much!`` Her enthusiasm about the work really inspired me! She`s only 15, but she`s so excited to go on a mission! 

Claudia is from Venezula so she taught us the REAL way to make Arepas!

It was Sr. Bascom`s 7th month mark so we celebrated by eating Chocolat Favoris! 

Anyway that`s all folks! I know this church is true and that despite all of the opposition, with the Savior we can overcome all things! 

Sister Smith

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