Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Week 10: BAPTISM

Yet again another crazy week, sorry still no pictures! I`m planning on buying a camera today, so these emails will be a little more interesting next week! We also had zone conference, so p-day this week is today :) 

Isabelle got baptised!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so amazing! She was so happy afterwards :) Then we had another baptism for another person in the ward, the Elder`s investigator :) It was just a really good day for Quebec! 

Sister Zobrist left, we were all really sad, and it was kind of a weird day without her... But we did have our first sign lanuage class! We had about 12 people there and Sister Bascom did such a good job of teaching! It was so fun and the members loved it :) 

We had a really good lesson with our moins actif! And then another great lesson with Tanya, we moved her baptismal date to September 9 at 11 a.m. We just asked her to pray about it, she thought for a moment and then just said the day. We looked it up on the calender and sure enough it`s a Saturday! Talk about miracles! She`s honestly so wonderful, we`re so grateful that the Lord let us find her.
We passed by Victorine (our african family) and asked her about the Plan of Salvation and if she prayed about it. She got really quite and told us that she did and that she felt it as true. It was such a tender mercy for us. 

We did like 6 hours worth of weekly planning... it was intense, but very much needed! We took a break to go contacting and then went contacting in the same are afterwards. We felt like we were supposed to be there, and so we just started walking. 
We saw this family up on a balcony and Sister Bascom started talking to them about their cat and then the gospel and then we asked it we could come up and share our message. We gave them a book of momon and taught them about the restoration. We asked them if we could come back and they said yes! It`s a man, his daughter (17 but looks older) and his son, so we think it would be better if we passed them to the Elder`s, but it was so cool!

We had a lesson on apostasy with Victorine, it was hard because she`s in the middle of moving and it didn`t go as well as we planned, but we`re planning on seeing her at her new apartment soon :) 
We had dinner with the Dutruel`s (which ALWAYS brightens my day), Sister Dutruel made the cutest cover for my bible! She`s honestly so talented :) Then afterwards we had a lesson with them, and Isabelle on the holy ghost. We had some really good experiences and everyone shared about how they feel the holy ghost. It was awesome :) 
Sister Zobrist was at church! It was so nice to be able to see her and her wonderful family! We had 4 amis there and Isabelle received the Holy Ghost. It was also fast and testimony, so I got up and bore my testimony :) 
Then we did some contacting and sorted through the Area Book. That night we had interviews with our Mission President. It was so nice to see him again and talk to him. Then the Victoriaville Sister`s Sister Griffin and Sister Carroll (from the MTC!) came to stay with us for Zone Conference! 

We learned a lot of things at zone conference about how to be able to recognize guidance from the spirit. I felt a lot better and we learned some new ways to improve companion study. Afterwards we had a lesson with Tanya :) Then we talked to a former, commited her to a new baptismal date and saw our recent convert :)
Afterwards we went knocking in the area. We knew we were supposed to be there, but where was the question. Sister Bascom prayed that we would find a family and a single man. We found this wonderful christian family, they weren`t interested, but we prayed with the father at the door :) 
Then I felt prompted to knock on this one door.... This old man yelled at us, told us to not waste our youth and slammed the door in our faces (and proceeded to listen to some heavy metal music...) we prayed again and knocked on a few other doors, came back and knocked on the one across from the old man. A young man opened the door and we talked to him about prayer and the plan of salvation. He promised us he would pray and gave us his number :) It was a miracle. 

It has been a crazy start to the transfer, but  feel so lucky to be here in Quebec City and witnessing all these miracles. It`s hard... I don`t talk about most of the hard parts, because this is the Quebec I want you to see, and I want myself to remember... but it`s worth it! I love this gospel... as Jeffery R Holland said ``this right here is real life,  capital R capital L, don`t let anyone tell you otherwise`` I believe as we try each day to do our best the Lord will bless us :) I love you all!


Soeur Smith 

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