Monday, August 14, 2017

Week 11

Sorry no pictures... again! I'm buying a camera today! 

 9 août, mercredi:
Nothing really happened, but we got our studies in! So that was good, and we were also able to take zucchini bread to a lady in our ward and share a quick message :) 

 10 août, jeudi
We went and saw Tanya, we went over the baptismal questions with her, and she's so ready to get baptized! Her faith inspires me a lot to trust in the Lord! She's gone through a lot of rough times in her past but she just always puts God first! 

 We ate dinner with a less active and her husband. It was really really good, also they're from other provinces in Canada and speak English which is really nice! 

 Then we had our sign language class! The ward is so excited about it, and Sister Bascom is a great teacher! This week we learned how to pray and how to count! Really cool! Fun fact, when you pray in sign language, everyone opens their eyes, but the person praying closes them.... super cool! 

 11 août, vendredi:
We went teaching with a member! She's from the Philippines and is literally the best, she served a mission also, so she understands when things don't work out. We went to 2 appointments with her that were canceled and she was so understanding! 

 We were able to visit a potential in the area who's also Filipino and he gave us some mackerels that he caught on vacation. (our member fried them up for us and she gave them to us on sunday... sooooo good, I love Filipino food so much!)  

 And we also visited our recent convert Florencio, who is also Filipino! We talked about the 10 commandments, and until I studied them and tried to apply it to our day, I never realized how many things I could be working on 😂 

12 aout, vendredi,
We went and helped a couple in our ward figure out their training for their mission! They're going to Benin and Togo in about a month, and they don't really speak English, and all of their training is in English! It was so awesome to help them out and learn about what they're going to be doing in Africa.

 It made me want to serve a mission again someday (even though I'm already on a mission at the moment... yikes 😂)

 Then we were able to visit one of our investigators, that's not really an investigator, she just tells us stories. She's 88 and probably the funniest lady I've ever met, she's so blunt about things, and she's very intelligent and well spoken. It's hard to leave! She made sister Bascom and I promise that we won't get married before 25! She's awesome :) 

 Then we saw our African family! We went over the baptismal questions with the daughter and the mother, they're so ready to get baptized! It's crazy because even though we haven't taught everything, the baptismal questions really helped (we got the idea from an Elder in our district). I would 10/10 recommend it for gauging where investigators are!   

 Then we saw probably the best family on this planet, the Dutruel's (and I'm not saying that because they read my blog! literally every time we go over there we leave feeling so happy!) I was able to talk Frère Dutruel about the scriptures, while Sister Bascom talked to their daughter about... that's right... the baptismal questions! 

 13 août, dimanche
We got to church early (to do our progress record) and saw the Dutruel's in the parking lot. Thier daughter told us she wants to be baptized in 2 weeks!!!! SISTER BASCOM AND I NEARLY DIED!!!! WE'RE SO EXCITED!!!!! She's honestly so ready! 

 We also had Tanya, and our African family at church! It was just an all together good day! We also had the former mission presidents of Benin and Togo come talk in church! They're in the Saint Foy branch and it was so amazing to hear about their experiences! 

We were walking back to our car and we saw this lady down the street. I felt prompted to go talk to her. I bought one of those throw away cameras, so I went up to her and asked if she could take our picture! We gave her a book of Mormon and taught the first lesson to her on the street! She's from Cote D'Ivoire and super smart! She really loves the Book of Mormon and we're so excited to go talk to her this week! 

 The lesson is, every time we act on a spiritual prompting (I'm actually the worst at this, and this was a one time thing and I had been having a really really hard day) we are able to understand more of how the spirit talks to us individually!


Sister Smith

Picture added by my Dad:

Saying goodbye again to Sister Zobrist

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