Monday, July 24, 2017

Week 8 - Life in Pictures

Sorry this week has been crazy, but good news! I have my camera!!!! So this means I have pictures now and I can cheat and use my pictures to remember what happened :) 

First the Pictures I wanted to send last week:
My First Time at Tim Horton's , we at Tim Bits and it was the literal best! 

​The time we did planning on mini chairs in a members basement because they really wanted us to eat dinner with them :) Also my cute companions (Sister Zobrist (left) and Sister Bascom (right))

​Eating Poutine for the first time :) This is a Quebec classic! It features fries, with cheese curds and gravy! Sounds gross, but it's actually really, really good. 

​So where we live in, we're basically surrounded by a national park. We literally walked 15 minutes from our appartment and were in the woods, by a river, eating wild raspberries. 

Quebec is literally all the things I love in one place! French, green gorgeous landscape, BERRIES ( I think I almost went through an entire carton of blueberries by myself) history, diversity, really good food and crazy wonderful people! ​

So every Weekly Planning day we have a tradition where we wear head scarves and make Arepas. Arepas are basically cornmeal made into cakes, fried and stuck in the oven. Then you put tuna and beans in them along with anything else your heart desires. They're amazing :) 

​So while we were planning one day, it started raining like nobodies business. Here in Quebec the Quebecois have a saying: " Il pluie comme les clous" which means it rains like nails! IT'S SO TRUE! It rained like I've never seen it rain before and then literally 20 minutes later it was sunny! We never know what the weather is going to do!

Quotes of the Week: 

Sr. Zobrist: 
To the tune of "Let us All Press on" 
Let us all pray now before Sister Smith falls out 
Of that Grandpa chair that's broken over there
Sister Bascom is sitting there spelling pierre not priere 
But that's okay because she's still great 

On guard, voici nos ennemies (points to Soeur Bascom and I) 
Courage nous avons Bascom, Smith 
We will head not what the wicked (points again) may say 
But alone the lord we will obey!

Sr Bascom:
*Pokes Sister Zobrists face
"Fishie! Why are you sleeping!"

Sr Smith:
* Shrieks 
"Sorry that was involuntary" 

Jaqueline (our Moins Actif (inactive)):
To the GPS: "Tais-Toi...... SHUT UP!!!"

Miracle Moment:
I think I mentioned Tanya last week, we met her while walking back from dropping our investigator off at the bus stop. We all felt impressed to stop her and didn't. All of a sudden Sister Zobrist stopped and walked back to talk to her. 

We finally set up an appointment and saw her yesterday. Apparently she had been praying that day to find more peace, and that afternoon we stopped her and gave her a Prince of Peace card! She was super excited about the Book of Mormon, and she commited to be baptised!!!! We're all so excited to meet with her again! 

Other News:
We had 3 investigators at church :) including one  of the african families we have been teaching! 

I spoke in church and didn't die! And people understood me! 

Anyway, it's been really tough, but great here! I've realized more and more that when something seems to be going wrong and you feel like you can't do it, it's going to be a great day of miracles :) 

When I first came on my mission I thought that I wasn't allowed to at all worry about myself, something my district leader as told me is that if you're at a high stress level, your missionary work is to calm down. You can't feel the spirit when your stressed and so therefore you can't do the Lord's work. I thought that was really cool. 

As missionaries we have to have the spirit with us at all times otherwise we literally can't do our work. The Lord doesn't want us to be stressed, when we have faith in Him we are happier and can do the things He needs us to do, whether that be missionary work or life in general :) 

I love you all! Have an amazing week! 


Sister Smith

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