Sunday, June 11, 2017

MTC - Week 2 - Transfers and Concussions

This week has been crazy to say the least!

Last Friday:
After I emailed last week we got to go with Sister Botcha to be endowed! It was such a wonderful experience! Sister Cheryl Esplin (who used to be in the Primary General Presidency for 6 years) was the one to help answer Sister Botcha's questions! That was amazing, and it reminded me of how important the temple is and the covenants we make there!

Shortly after this I was summoned to the front desk. I found out they were transferring me to the French District that night! I was really sad to leave my district, but they all came with me to drop me off at my new room, they're AMAZING.

Changing companions and districts (especially since they had already been there one week before I arrived) was crazy. But that's life in the MTC, everybody is stressed to the max. My companion Soeur Perry
was so kind to me, and very patient. We were both low key freaking out together. My teachers are amazing, FrΓ©re Brooks went to my mission!
Also did I mention I'm the ONLY ONE in my district not going to France, Lyon? Haha they're all wonderful, even if they aren't going to the best mission in the world

I met the rest of our zone! The Montreal missionaries are so nice! I'm excited to serve with them! The Sister training leaders told me that out of all the missions they've seen (they’ve been here 8 weeks because they are going to Tahiti) the Montreal missionaries are they're favorites. I, sure they say that to everyone
😊 but they made
me feel welcome! Church was different, but good! We all take turns to have sacrament meeting so we had district meetings and relief society before. And then we went on a walk to the temple! The blessing on the sacrament was in French which was cool! And we had people bare their testimony in Welsh, German, and Spanish!

My district consists of Soeur Perry (my companion from Pagosa Springs, CO) Soeur Larsen ( from Provo, UT, one of my roommates) Soeur Chidester ( no relation to Sadie Chidester I don't think
😊, from Riverton, UT) Soeur Leslie (from Colorado) Soeur Gruse (from Berlin, Germany) Soeur Ortiz ( from Orlando, Florida) Soeur Stuki (from Nampa, ID) Elder Lewis (from Seattle, WA) Elder Moore (from Nampa, ID) Elder Castillo (from Equador, Spain and England) and Elder Hall (from Portland, OR) 

Devotionals!!! We got to hear from Elder Zaballos of the 70! And I joined choir (because my whole zone is in choir, not of my own free will) but we sang this song called "Consider the Lilly's”, there's this one line that really stuck out to me: ‘He will heal those who trust Him, and make their hearts as gold". I know that whatever we're going through if we put our trust in the Savior, he will heal is physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

My first lesson in French! I had taught another "investigator" (they're just our teachers) before, in my old district, but that was in English. I found out really quickly I really have no idea how to teach. I've started reading my PMG more and getting extra help from our teachers and that's helped A LOT! They're so patient and so smart!

So I was playing volleyball and both me and a girl from my district went for the ball. I feel backwards and hit my head on the floor pretty hard. We went to the first aid room and the lights started bothering me and I started acting really weird. We went to the health center and they drove us off campus to the BYU Instacare. Long story short I have a minor concussion and I'll be out of classes for a day or two.

I'm already feeling a lot better and I can remember things more easily! I'm anxious to get back to work!

I love you all! Keep working hard and acting in faith! This church is true!!!


Sister Smith

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