Sunday, June 25, 2017

MTC-Week 4: The Jello Miracle and The Ducklings

This week was yet another crazy week! And it's all a blur, so this
email might be very spastic...

Friday - Monday:
So there's this cold going around the MTC, and yours truly has a weak
immune system.... Basically I started getting sick last
Friday,Saturday I had a fever. Sunday I threw up, went to church to
play prelude, sat through sacrament meeting, ran out and threw up
again, received a wonderful blessing from our new Zone Leaders, and
went home (to throw up some more).

I hadn't really eaten at all for 24 hours and I woke up just after my
companion left for dinner (I was on splits with another sister who was
sick) and I was really hungry/ dehydrated. I sent an email to a sister
in my District to bring me back some jello if they had it. I didn't
know if she'd see the email (it was cutting it close) or if the
cafeteria  would have jello (it's random) but I prayed that she would
see it and the cafeteria would have jello. AND THEY TOTALLY DID!!! I
got my jello (I threw it up later, but it was still an amazing

Later that night the STL were worried about me and convinced me to
call the front desk. Some security guards came and brought me Gatorade
( one of them went to Cambodia on their mission! Shout out to Elder
Burnett!) and they let me talk to the on call doctor (ON A REAL
IPHONE) guess who it was? The same doctor who treated me for my
😂 The doctors office knows me too well 😂

Also, apparently  Donny Osmond came and spoke (and sang!) Sunday
night, but I totally missed it! C'est la vie d'un personne qui est

Monday I basically slept all day, except I went to our districts
rehearsal of our farewell song. It's so cool! Elder Hall is a piano
genius  and we're doing a combo of "I'll go where you want me to go",
"God be with you till we meet again", and the EFY Medeley ( all in
French expect the EFY Medeley) sooo cool!

Tuesday - Thursday:
Rather uneventful (which in my case is good
😂) I felt 100x better and
resumed going to class.

Fun fact! The mission presidents training is started this Sunday! And
because of this our cafeteria got moved to T3 so now instead of heavy
food you can choose from you get one (catered by the same cafeteria )
choice... Yikes. But on the bright side there will be a lot of General
Authorities all over campus for the next few days!!! I'm so excited!

Wednesday : never give a bunch of missionaries i pads, if you do, we
will be forced to make weird video sagas and post them to a shared
drive. The elders have a few videos uploaded where this stuffed rabbit
(his name is Mr Bunny, voiced by Elder Castillo) steals candy from a
police officer (Elder Moore) and gets chased down, put in jail and
interrogated. They're steal filming, but I believe Mr. Bunny escapes
and rides away on a Horse Pinata. So of course the sisters had to do
something! We had free time between gym and class and so Soeur Perry
and I decided to fix my wax scripture markers... And make a
commercial. Basically it was this whole cheesy commercial for a
product (actually a blow dryer) called the Scripture Marker Fixer 103.
It was ridiculous, but it made us all laugh. This place does strange
things to you, also really great things, but honestly were all still

Also we just got 21 new missionaries going to my mission!!!!! I made
all the sisters bright it in for a group hug when I met them
😂 two of
them are now in our room, Sister Hunt (shout out to Sister Thompson)
and Sister Ramhill. They're honestly the best!

Thursday my companion and I were going to get changed for gym time
when we saw a bunch of people crowded around a storm drain. Apparently
 there was a momma duck and 10 baby ducks walking, when all of a
sudden all the baby ducklings fell into the storm drain. The momma
duck was making the probably the most heart breaking sound I've ever
heard... Luckily some Sisters saw the whole thing happen and got a
worker to come pull the ducklings out. We got to see them all waddle
away, it was adorable!

On a funnier note... We realize that if you say T3 (the name of one of
the new buildings) in French you say, Tay Trois, which sounds exactly
like tais-toi! (Shut up!)
😂 I think we've all lost it!

Friday :
This morning we went to go do initiatories. Since we had extra time,
we decided to go down stairs and helped fold laundry before the temple
cafeteria opened. It was a lot of work, but the people there are so
amazing! I had not idea you could go help with that! After breakfast
we ran into the Provo Temple President and a man who is over all the
temple cafeterias! We got to tell him how much we loved being able to
eat something different for a change!

We get our flight plans today I'm so excited! Since I'm with a
district who are all going to Lyon, I don't know when I'll actually be
leaving, I'll be coming in in the middle of a transfer, and I'll be
flying solo.... But I'm so excited! I let you'll know how it works

Spiritual thought:
A lot of things have worked out for me this week. And looking back on
my life I've seen many miracles. I was reading in 2 Nephi 4: 15-39.
Nephi is lamenting about how easily he sins, and how he wishes he
could be better. Then he says "...nevertheless I know in whom I have
trusted. 20. My God hath been my support he hath led me through mine
afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the
waters of the great deep."

Instead of murmuring and complaining during his trails, Nephi thinks
of his blessings and the miracles he's seen. I realized this week I
was just thinking about  me, and my needs and pitying myself. I was
absolutely miserable and making my self more miserable by being
selfish! But once I started reading this scripture, I remembered how
blessed I have been, and felt a lot happier.

I guess my challenge for this week is to look for the miracles. There
are so many everywhere, even if it's just nature or something
seemingly simple!

I love you all! I hope you know I pray for each one of you! No matter
what, if the Lord is on your side you'll always come out on top!!!


Soeur Smith


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