Friday, June 2, 2017

MTC - First Post

I know it's only been like 3 days, but the MTC moves really fast! It's
been so great, my district is awesome! I got put into the advanced
language group so I'm only here for 3 weeks, in theory...

They pulled me aside the first day and told me that they weren't sure
weather to put my in the advanced group or not, so I might be leaving
my district for the 6 week French Program. The day I entered the MTC
there were no other French speaking missionaries entering with me, so
they didn't have a French class for me for anyway. They sent another
tutor to come test me the next day. She said I had a really good
vocabulary I was just having a hard time with the past and future
tenses. She wasn't sure either
😳 Sooo I get to find out Monday.

My companions name is Sister Garcia. She's going to the Long Beach,
California Mission, Spanish Speaking. She's from Dallas, Texas! She's
honestly the best. She's taught me so much already. She's more of an
introvert and quiet, but she always is willing to bear her testimony.
We're both criers which is great
She's had some amazing
experiences! I'm so excited to be her companion!

In our room is two other sisters from our district: Sister Enomoto and
Sister Acireale (ah-chee-ree-al-ay). Sister Enomoto is from Brazil and
her dad is Japanese! She's so bubbly and sweet! She's lived in Utah
for 2 years and she's going to the Las Vegas, Nevada mission English
Speaking! Sister Acireale is from Italy, but she moved to Venezuela
and then Panama. She went to Twin Falls, Idaho College for about a
year (SHOUT OUT TO SISTER WASDEN)! She's awesome as well! She's going
to the Louisville Kentucky Mission, Spanish speaking! I'm the only one
in the room whose native language is English ( although they are all
fluent) which is way cool!

The other sisters in our district are Sister Han ( from Huston, Texas,
going to San Diego, California Mormon Battalion, speaking Mandarin)
Sister Botcha ( from India, going to the Temple Square Mission
speaking English) and Sister Wendt ( Vendt) ( from Germany going to
the Temple Square Mission speaking English. They're equally amazing
and have such strong testimonies!!! Also Sister Botcha is getting
endowed today!!!! I'm so excited, hopefully we'll be in the right

There are 3 elders in our district. Elder Reyes ( from Mexico going to
Modesto California speaking Spanish and English), Elder Fakahau (from
California going to Honolulu speaking Hawaiian, Tongan, and English)
and Elder Argañaraz ( from Argentina going to Denver, Colorado
speaking Spanish and English).

So we're a tablet mission while we are in the MTC, and we were all
having troubles with our IPads so we were at the IT desk a lot
yesterday. While we were walking back I suddenly forgot which username
I was supposed to use. While we were stopped President Weidman (
counselor to the MTC President and former Los Angeles Mission
President ) walked up and started talking to us. He told us at he
gospel is shared through the eyes. He also told us that he could feel
our spirits and see our light. He said he wished he could be our
mission preside. honestly he could have said that to almost any other

missionaries , they are so wonderful, but it was something we needed
to hear 

We taught our first "investigator" yesterday ( he was actually our
teacher) It was okay, the spirit was there, which is the most
important thing. I'm learning to recognize promoting from the spirit,
which is so wonderful!

Everyone here is great! I saw Kayla, excuse me Sister Wasden yesterday
(and today) and promptly burst into tears/ laughing  
😂 ( just
yesterday). It was so good to see her! She's doing awesome and her
companion seems really sweet!

Anyway, since I have an IPad you can email me and I'll be able to read
it whenever! I just can't respond until Friday!

A beintot!

Sister Smith

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