Friday, June 30, 2017

MTC Week 5 - All the Apostles

Time flies so weirdly here at the MTC.... so I'm so sorry this email, isn't in a chronological order ๐Ÿ˜“

All the Apostles:
So fun fact, what happens when you have a mission presidents seminar and ALL of the Quorum of the twelve visit the MTC.... AT THE SAME TIME. We saw Elder Bednar and Elder Ballard touring the buildings (we were trying to be obedient so we had to forlongingly walk past them and stare down at them from our classroom window...) BUT last Tuesday was the commemoration for the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and guess who showed up????? 10/12 and most of their wives!!!!! I've never seen a bunch of missionaries get so quite
๐Ÿ˜‚. Since I'm in the choir, we all got to sing "Praise to the Man", which was such an amazing experience! And then Elder Bednar spoke on what the "Word of God" was, and how we need to "Treasure it up in our hearts continually".... So good!!!! I'm so lucky to be at the MTC at this time!

All the Mission Presidents:
With all the mission presidents here we got to be Guinea pigs. The new mission presidents for Cote d'Ivoire came with his wife and taught us EN FRANCAIS!!!! Sooo awesome, my French was terrible, but Soeur Perry and I got to teach them in front of the class, nerve racking, but an awesome experience! President Benine and his wife are from the Democratic Republic of Congo and they are some of the nicest, intelligent, spiritual people I've met! They had so many great insights on how to improve my teaching, and my French! They also were able to explain to us how to look at our teaching from the
investigators perspective (all en francais, the gift of tongues is so real)!

Picture of our District with President Benine and Sister Benine

After the devotional Tuesday, we were able to have our district meeting with President and Sister Sorenson who are going to be the new mission presidents for the Paris, France mission. They're from Santa Barbara! We had an amazing discussion. Heaven Father truly prepares amazing people to do His work ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

All the Scheduling Problems:

So fun fact, since my district has been here for a week longer than I have, and my mission presidents has zone conference next week, I get to stay in the MTC for another week and a half. So I'm flying out on July 12!

Funny story... SO when I realized I didn't have my flight plans I had to go to the travel office. They told me to go see my District President, which was in T1 (which was closed down to missionaries because the mission presidents seminar was in that building) but they let us in ๐Ÿ˜ƒ (no unfortunately I didn't get to talk to/ see any Apostles while I was in there, but it was still cool). My District President is President Smith and he's actually the best! He got a hold of my mission president and was able to contact a lot of people to get my schedule sorted out!

 However it was super funny because apparently most missionaries go to see their district president when they're fighting ๐Ÿ˜‚ so while I was talking to President Smith, Soeur Perry was in the waiting room and another district president stopped by. He asked her if I was having melt down and she was so confused. After I was done talking the other district president was still there and we finally told him it was a scheduling issue. We also laughed it off, but they still asked us to say something nice about each other ๐Ÿ˜‚ (which wasn't hard because Soeur Perry is the actual best)

Anyway basically I'm not so sure what my schedule is going to be yet (they'll tell me later today), but it definitely was an interesting part of my week!

Infield Orientation:

So yesterday we had infield orientation (usually you go a few days before you leave, but as my District is leaving I got to go!) it was 9 hours, but totally amazing! We did this amazing case study about member missionary work that occurred in the Boston Massachusetts Mission (shout out to Julie) they showed us statistics on member referrals and honestly, members at the best and most effective missionaries! We're set apart to teach people, but it's really the members and ward who are there to support people. I really learned a lot, and it changed my perspective on missionary work, and I felt more confident about contacting ๐Ÿ˜„ something that one of the teachers said about contacting (applies to talking about the gospel in general) is that when we don't speak up, we're basically taking that person's agency away from them by thinking that they wouldn't want to hear the gospel ". I know that Heavenly Father puts people into our lives for a reason, it's up to us to have the courage to speak up!

On French:

Yikes..... So it's getting better... I think? The good news is that I don't believe I've said anything offensive yet! (That I know of...) funny things people have said:

My teacher: Et puis, nous allons aller ร  T3.....hahaha!!! *T3 in French is said Tay-Trois which sounds exactly like Tais-toi (Shut up!)

Someone in my District during a lesson: "qu'est-ce que vos pรฉchรฉs?" She meant to say "penses" which means thoughts, but instead she said "what are your sins?"

Someone else: "nous pouvons voulez vous..." He meant to say we can help you, but basically what he said was "we can want you".

Me and Soeur Perry: our investigator (first lesson) "Est-ce que vous รฉtes les Temoin Jehovahs?" Us: "Oui". We honest to goodness couldn't hear her, but she asked us if we were Jehovahs Witnesses.....and we said yes.....yikes.....

On MTC craziness:

So when you hit about week 2 you get sick of all of your clothes.... SO you end up lending and borrowing clothes to the max. Also you're mother becomes Sainted because she made dresses for your entire district (and then some).

Me (wearing Soeur Stuki's dress) Soeur Ortiz (wearing my dress) and Soeur Stuki (wearing my shirt and skirt).

Anyway, I'm doing great! I hope everyone is well! I guess my scripture for this week is Alma 32. I know that when we have faith we are able to receive the blessings that God has for us! I love you all!


Soeur Smith

Sunday, June 25, 2017

MTC-Week 4: The Jello Miracle and The Ducklings

This week was yet another crazy week! And it's all a blur, so this
email might be very spastic...

Friday - Monday:
So there's this cold going around the MTC, and yours truly has a weak
immune system.... Basically I started getting sick last
Friday,Saturday I had a fever. Sunday I threw up, went to church to
play prelude, sat through sacrament meeting, ran out and threw up
again, received a wonderful blessing from our new Zone Leaders, and
went home (to throw up some more).

I hadn't really eaten at all for 24 hours and I woke up just after my
companion left for dinner (I was on splits with another sister who was
sick) and I was really hungry/ dehydrated. I sent an email to a sister
in my District to bring me back some jello if they had it. I didn't
know if she'd see the email (it was cutting it close) or if the
cafeteria  would have jello (it's random) but I prayed that she would
see it and the cafeteria would have jello. AND THEY TOTALLY DID!!! I
got my jello (I threw it up later, but it was still an amazing

Later that night the STL were worried about me and convinced me to
call the front desk. Some security guards came and brought me Gatorade
( one of them went to Cambodia on their mission! Shout out to Elder
Burnett!) and they let me talk to the on call doctor (ON A REAL
IPHONE) guess who it was? The same doctor who treated me for my
๐Ÿ˜‚ The doctors office knows me too well ๐Ÿ˜‚

Also, apparently  Donny Osmond came and spoke (and sang!) Sunday
night, but I totally missed it! C'est la vie d'un personne qui est

Monday I basically slept all day, except I went to our districts
rehearsal of our farewell song. It's so cool! Elder Hall is a piano
genius  and we're doing a combo of "I'll go where you want me to go",
"God be with you till we meet again", and the EFY Medeley ( all in
French expect the EFY Medeley) sooo cool!

Tuesday - Thursday:
Rather uneventful (which in my case is good
๐Ÿ˜‚) I felt 100x better and
resumed going to class.

Fun fact! The mission presidents training is started this Sunday! And
because of this our cafeteria got moved to T3 so now instead of heavy
food you can choose from you get one (catered by the same cafeteria )
choice... Yikes. But on the bright side there will be a lot of General
Authorities all over campus for the next few days!!! I'm so excited!

Wednesday : never give a bunch of missionaries i pads, if you do, we
will be forced to make weird video sagas and post them to a shared
drive. The elders have a few videos uploaded where this stuffed rabbit
(his name is Mr Bunny, voiced by Elder Castillo) steals candy from a
police officer (Elder Moore) and gets chased down, put in jail and
interrogated. They're steal filming, but I believe Mr. Bunny escapes
and rides away on a Horse Pinata. So of course the sisters had to do
something! We had free time between gym and class and so Soeur Perry
and I decided to fix my wax scripture markers... And make a
commercial. Basically it was this whole cheesy commercial for a
product (actually a blow dryer) called the Scripture Marker Fixer 103.
It was ridiculous, but it made us all laugh. This place does strange
things to you, also really great things, but honestly were all still

Also we just got 21 new missionaries going to my mission!!!!! I made
all the sisters bright it in for a group hug when I met them
๐Ÿ˜‚ two of
them are now in our room, Sister Hunt (shout out to Sister Thompson)
and Sister Ramhill. They're honestly the best!

Thursday my companion and I were going to get changed for gym time
when we saw a bunch of people crowded around a storm drain. Apparently
 there was a momma duck and 10 baby ducks walking, when all of a
sudden all the baby ducklings fell into the storm drain. The momma
duck was making the probably the most heart breaking sound I've ever
heard... Luckily some Sisters saw the whole thing happen and got a
worker to come pull the ducklings out. We got to see them all waddle
away, it was adorable!

On a funnier note... We realize that if you say T3 (the name of one of
the new buildings) in French you say, Tay Trois, which sounds exactly
like tais-toi! (Shut up!)
๐Ÿ˜‚ I think we've all lost it!

Friday :
This morning we went to go do initiatories. Since we had extra time,
we decided to go down stairs and helped fold laundry before the temple
cafeteria opened. It was a lot of work, but the people there are so
amazing! I had not idea you could go help with that! After breakfast
we ran into the Provo Temple President and a man who is over all the
temple cafeterias! We got to tell him how much we loved being able to
eat something different for a change!

We get our flight plans today I'm so excited! Since I'm with a
district who are all going to Lyon, I don't know when I'll actually be
leaving, I'll be coming in in the middle of a transfer, and I'll be
flying solo.... But I'm so excited! I let you'll know how it works

Spiritual thought:
A lot of things have worked out for me this week. And looking back on
my life I've seen many miracles. I was reading in 2 Nephi 4: 15-39.
Nephi is lamenting about how easily he sins, and how he wishes he
could be better. Then he says "...nevertheless I know in whom I have
trusted. 20. My God hath been my support he hath led me through mine
afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the
waters of the great deep."

Instead of murmuring and complaining during his trails, Nephi thinks
of his blessings and the miracles he's seen. I realized this week I
was just thinking about  me, and my needs and pitying myself. I was
absolutely miserable and making my self more miserable by being
selfish! But once I started reading this scripture, I remembered how
blessed I have been, and felt a lot happier.

I guess my challenge for this week is to look for the miracles. There
are so many everywhere, even if it's just nature or something
seemingly simple!

I love you all! I hope you know I pray for each one of you! No matter
what, if the Lord is on your side you'll always come out on top!!!


Soeur Smith


Saturday, June 17, 2017

MTC Week 3: President Uchtdorf and Les Moins Actifs

Yet another crazy week at the MTC! First things first, I am no longer concussed and am now cleared to play 4 Square (I don't believe I will be playing volleyball for the duration of my stay at the MTC).

Because we have brand new buildings PRESIDENT UCHTDORF CAME TO TOUR
THEM!!!! We were studying and we found out he was on the floor above us. We ran upstairs, but everyone was being turned back. My companion and I knew we needed to get to dinner, so disappointed we headed down stairs. Only we were trampled by a herd of missionaries! We got
outside and president Uchtdorf was walking with his family across the courtyard. We all reverently swarmed (if that's possible) around him. A sister in our district is from Germany and her grandfather was
best friends with President Uchtdorf growing up! She introduced herself and Harriet gave her a hug! They were running late for dinner reservations, but they took the time to say hi! My companion and I got to shake his hand!!!

Even though everyone was so excited to meet him, once you approached him, there was a feeling of peace and reassurance. He was so kind, but he surprised me with how human he was; he introduced us to his grandchildren, and the rest of his family and thanked us for serving missions. I never thought I'd be personally thanked for being a missionary by an apostle of the Lord! Later that night I finally got to watch Elder Bednar's talk "Character of Christ"..... I know every missionary says this, but I highly recommend this talk! It's changed my whole perspective on missionary work and being truly converted.

I did as Elder Bednar advised in his talk and bought a cheap copy of the Book of Mormon. I started reading it, and instead of just reading it, I highlighted and wrote notes in the margins as I read. I had always just read the Book of Mormon just to check a box, but as I found inspiration from the words and things that could help both me and my investigators... I found myself forgetting my problems and being happier. There's a reason that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion, it has amazing power. I would encourage each of you to make studying the Book of Mormon a daily habit, it has changed my life in just a few short days.

My companion decided to talk the same challenge and she bought a new paperback Book of Mormon as well. We decided to do our TRC (basically you go teach members who aren't your teachers in the language your studying, kind of like a glorified visiting teaching lesson) on “feasting upon the words of Christ ". One of the people we were teaching went on her mission to Tahiti. We were about to close and I felt prompted to ask about how the Book of Mormon influenced her mission. She told us that that morning a woman from her mission, who she had given a Book of Mormon to and never saw again, messaged her on Facebook. She told her that her and her son had just been baptized, and she thanked her for giving her the Book of Mormon.
It was such a powerful testimony of the power that the Book of Mormon can have on our lives.

So since I'm in choir (semi against my will) we have choir practice every Sunday and Tuesday, and then we perform on Tuesday. Our choir director, Brother Egget, is hilarious and super spiritual at the same time!!! He has a way of motivating us, making us sound good, and having a devotional before the devotional all at the same time!

This practice we were singing "Be Still My Soul" and he was talking about the line "to guide the future as he has the past". I had been reading the Book of Mormon and I kept thinking, oh this happened to Nephi, but why would it happen to me? And he talked about how Elder Neilson told a story about two sister missionaries. They went into this house and a lot of bad men took them prisoner and put them in the back room. They kneeled down to pray and they opened their eyes and they were standing outside the building in the alleyway.
Later in our devotional Elder Nelson (of the 70) talked about the Tacloban Missionaries during the hurricane (really good story, I wish I could tell the whole thing) but basically it reminded me of a scripture I read in 1 Nephi 10:18-19. It taught me a lot about faith and the nature of God and how he views missionaries.

We got to host again today!!!! I got to see so many friends from school and from back at home! Also, I finally have a better picture of my District.

Today our teacher (Soeur Wall) taught a unique lesson. She had us split into groups of 3 and teach 3 different Moins Actifs (less actives). She had us teach in front of the class, for about 20 minutes. Our moins actif was an older woman named ร‰dithe (who was just really Soeur Call acting as ร‰dithe who was her moins actif on her mission). We went in expecting to teach a lesson on keeping the Sabbath day holy....yikes were we so wrong. ร‰dithe had had a cycle of missionaries for the past few months, come, teach a lesson, and leave.

She had a sickness and afterwards Soeur Wall told us her husband, who had appeared as a faithful Saint, had cheated on her so it was hard for her to go to the chapel. We just sat and listened. I told her it wasn’t our job to teach her a lesson, but to be there for her. We offered to get the elders to come give her a blessing, and secured another discussion next week. I don't know if Soeur Wall will let us "teach" ร‰dithe again, but all of the lessons challenged my perceptions on missionary work and less actives.
Jesus is truly the greatest example of the Good Shepherd, he left the 99 and searched for the one. There are so many reasons people go inactive: they live far away, they are more dedicated to the missionaries than the ward or church (another moins Actifs we taught in class), they work, trails of faith, sickness, etc. It's unfair to lump people into one box. Members as well. Everyone is going through hard things. Our job is to always be kind and courteous to everyone, and not assume things because of labels like "less active", or "member".

There's a reason when we talk about teaching people not lessons. The gospel has so much to offer to everyone, but everyone's needs are different. The Savior never loved anyone with an agenda (to get them to come to church, to increase membership etc.) He loved people regardless of their choices. As Elder Dallin H. Oaks said: “We do not preach and teach in order to ‘bring people into the Church’ or to increase the membership of the Church. We do not preach and teach just to persuade people to live better lives. … We invite all to come unto Christ by repentance and baptism and confirmation in order to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to the sons and daughters of God. No one else can do this”

I've learned so much in such a short time here. I'm sorry if I have at all sounded preachy (if it is I'm preaching to myself), but one important lesson I learned is that you share things you love with people you love. I'm not perfect.... I'm really not a good missionary, yet, but I know that with the Lord's help we can be happy and grow to be the best version of ourselves.
I love you all!
Soeur Smith

Sunday, June 11, 2017

MTC - Week 2 - Transfers and Concussions

This week has been crazy to say the least!

Last Friday:
After I emailed last week we got to go with Sister Botcha to be endowed! It was such a wonderful experience! Sister Cheryl Esplin (who used to be in the Primary General Presidency for 6 years) was the one to help answer Sister Botcha's questions! That was amazing, and it reminded me of how important the temple is and the covenants we make there!

Shortly after this I was summoned to the front desk. I found out they were transferring me to the French District that night! I was really sad to leave my district, but they all came with me to drop me off at my new room, they're AMAZING.

Changing companions and districts (especially since they had already been there one week before I arrived) was crazy. But that's life in the MTC, everybody is stressed to the max. My companion Soeur Perry
was so kind to me, and very patient. We were both low key freaking out together. My teachers are amazing, Frรฉre Brooks went to my mission!
Also did I mention I'm the ONLY ONE in my district not going to France, Lyon? Haha they're all wonderful, even if they aren't going to the best mission in the world

I met the rest of our zone! The Montreal missionaries are so nice! I'm excited to serve with them! The Sister training leaders told me that out of all the missions they've seen (they’ve been here 8 weeks because they are going to Tahiti) the Montreal missionaries are they're favorites. I, sure they say that to everyone
๐Ÿ˜Š but they made
me feel welcome! Church was different, but good! We all take turns to have sacrament meeting so we had district meetings and relief society before. And then we went on a walk to the temple! The blessing on the sacrament was in French which was cool! And we had people bare their testimony in Welsh, German, and Spanish!

My district consists of Soeur Perry (my companion from Pagosa Springs, CO) Soeur Larsen ( from Provo, UT, one of my roommates) Soeur Chidester ( no relation to Sadie Chidester I don't think
๐Ÿ˜Š, from Riverton, UT) Soeur Leslie (from Colorado) Soeur Gruse (from Berlin, Germany) Soeur Ortiz ( from Orlando, Florida) Soeur Stuki (from Nampa, ID) Elder Lewis (from Seattle, WA) Elder Moore (from Nampa, ID) Elder Castillo (from Equador, Spain and England) and Elder Hall (from Portland, OR) 

Devotionals!!! We got to hear from Elder Zaballos of the 70! And I joined choir (because my whole zone is in choir, not of my own free will) but we sang this song called "Consider the Lilly's”, there's this one line that really stuck out to me: ‘He will heal those who trust Him, and make their hearts as gold". I know that whatever we're going through if we put our trust in the Savior, he will heal is physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

My first lesson in French! I had taught another "investigator" (they're just our teachers) before, in my old district, but that was in English. I found out really quickly I really have no idea how to teach. I've started reading my PMG more and getting extra help from our teachers and that's helped A LOT! They're so patient and so smart!

So I was playing volleyball and both me and a girl from my district went for the ball. I feel backwards and hit my head on the floor pretty hard. We went to the first aid room and the lights started bothering me and I started acting really weird. We went to the health center and they drove us off campus to the BYU Instacare. Long story short I have a minor concussion and I'll be out of classes for a day or two.

I'm already feeling a lot better and I can remember things more easily! I'm anxious to get back to work!

I love you all! Keep working hard and acting in faith! This church is true!!!


Sister Smith

Friday, June 2, 2017

MTC - First Post

I know it's only been like 3 days, but the MTC moves really fast! It's
been so great, my district is awesome! I got put into the advanced
language group so I'm only here for 3 weeks, in theory...

They pulled me aside the first day and told me that they weren't sure
weather to put my in the advanced group or not, so I might be leaving
my district for the 6 week French Program. The day I entered the MTC
there were no other French speaking missionaries entering with me, so
they didn't have a French class for me for anyway. They sent another
tutor to come test me the next day. She said I had a really good
vocabulary I was just having a hard time with the past and future
tenses. She wasn't sure either
๐Ÿ˜ณ Sooo I get to find out Monday.

My companions name is Sister Garcia. She's going to the Long Beach,
California Mission, Spanish Speaking. She's from Dallas, Texas! She's
honestly the best. She's taught me so much already. She's more of an
introvert and quiet, but she always is willing to bear her testimony.
We're both criers which is great
She's had some amazing
experiences! I'm so excited to be her companion!

In our room is two other sisters from our district: Sister Enomoto and
Sister Acireale (ah-chee-ree-al-ay). Sister Enomoto is from Brazil and
her dad is Japanese! She's so bubbly and sweet! She's lived in Utah
for 2 years and she's going to the Las Vegas, Nevada mission English
Speaking! Sister Acireale is from Italy, but she moved to Venezuela
and then Panama. She went to Twin Falls, Idaho College for about a
year (SHOUT OUT TO SISTER WASDEN)! She's awesome as well! She's going
to the Louisville Kentucky Mission, Spanish speaking! I'm the only one
in the room whose native language is English ( although they are all
fluent) which is way cool!

The other sisters in our district are Sister Han ( from Huston, Texas,
going to San Diego, California Mormon Battalion, speaking Mandarin)
Sister Botcha ( from India, going to the Temple Square Mission
speaking English) and Sister Wendt ( Vendt) ( from Germany going to
the Temple Square Mission speaking English. They're equally amazing
and have such strong testimonies!!! Also Sister Botcha is getting
endowed today!!!! I'm so excited, hopefully we'll be in the right

There are 3 elders in our district. Elder Reyes ( from Mexico going to
Modesto California speaking Spanish and English), Elder Fakahau (from
California going to Honolulu speaking Hawaiian, Tongan, and English)
and Elder Argaรฑaraz ( from Argentina going to Denver, Colorado
speaking Spanish and English).

So we're a tablet mission while we are in the MTC, and we were all
having troubles with our IPads so we were at the IT desk a lot
yesterday. While we were walking back I suddenly forgot which username
I was supposed to use. While we were stopped President Weidman (
counselor to the MTC President and former Los Angeles Mission
President ) walked up and started talking to us. He told us at he
gospel is shared through the eyes. He also told us that he could feel
our spirits and see our light. He said he wished he could be our
mission preside. honestly he could have said that to almost any other

missionaries , they are so wonderful, but it was something we needed
to hear 

We taught our first "investigator" yesterday ( he was actually our
teacher) It was okay, the spirit was there, which is the most
important thing. I'm learning to recognize promoting from the spirit,
which is so wonderful!

Everyone here is great! I saw Kayla, excuse me Sister Wasden yesterday
(and today) and promptly burst into tears/ laughing  
๐Ÿ˜‚ ( just
yesterday). It was so good to see her! She's doing awesome and her
companion seems really sweet!

Anyway, since I have an IPad you can email me and I'll be able to read
it whenever! I just can't respond until Friday!

A beintot!

Sister Smith