Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 15 - 6 BAPTISMS!!!! and Transfers

All the people who got baptized this week!!!​ Top Row: Marie, Victorine (our ami :) ) Clarice, Jean
Bottom Row: Francine (our ami!) and Angeline 

​All the people who participated in the baptism! So many!!!

​One of our members had a bunch of alcohol that people had given them throughout the years and they invited us over for a dumping party!!! We read the verses about the Anit-Nephi-Lehites who buried their weapons deep in the ground and we likewise buried the alcohol deep in the sink!
Sister Bascom and I went to old Quebec and we found a very fun chair :)
​The Chateau Frontenac, aka the background picture on my blog! Quebec is seriously so beautiful, the city looks like you could be in Europe!

So I found out Saturday that I am being transferred to the Montreal East Branch on the Island of Montreal! I hear that there are a lot of Haitians there and I`m super excited to meet my new companion (who is Haitian American) and learn some creole! 

Spiritual Thought:
Mosiah 12: 27 ``Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore ye have not been wise. Therefore what teach ye this people?``

I`m realizing more and more that if you don`t put your heart into this work (or any work really) you can`t teach. I`ve seen that by loving the people, and TELLING them that you love them, it changes everything. 

True wisdom comes when the mind and the heart work together.

Sister Smith 

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