Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 16 - Going Home

Throughout my mission I have been struggling with anxiety and depression, which I wasn't aware of before my mission. Everyone did everything they could to help me get the help I need to stay, I wanted to stay so badly. I started on medication and it didn't work out very well, it was safer for me to be home to fight this with my family. I was honorably released from my mission September 17, 2017.
I know that this is where God wants me to be right now, I need my family to be able to fight this and to move on with life.
Missions are amazing, I was so privileged to see MIRACLES on my mission. This is truly the work of the Lord, He is involved in EVERY aspect of it. I know that if we continue to follow His will and keep His commandments, he will make us into the people we need to be. I know that this was the Lord's plan for me from the beginning and I have grown so much.
Je sais que cet evangile est vrai, et que Jesus-Chirst est mon redumpteur, le sauver du monde. Je sais que Jospeh Smith est un prophete de Dieu et que le Livre de Mormon et les paroles de Dieu. Je sais que Thomas S Monson est un prophete de Dieu et que Jesus-Christ est le diregeant de cette eglise aujourd'hui. Je suis reconnaissant pour mes experiences a Quebec. J'aime cette evangile et je sais si on continue en foi avec Christ on peut perserverer a travers tout chose!
2 Nephi 4: 20
20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 15 - 6 BAPTISMS!!!! and Transfers

All the people who got baptized this week!!!​ Top Row: Marie, Victorine (our ami :) ) Clarice, Jean
Bottom Row: Francine (our ami!) and Angeline 

​All the people who participated in the baptism! So many!!!

​One of our members had a bunch of alcohol that people had given them throughout the years and they invited us over for a dumping party!!! We read the verses about the Anit-Nephi-Lehites who buried their weapons deep in the ground and we likewise buried the alcohol deep in the sink!
Sister Bascom and I went to old Quebec and we found a very fun chair :)
​The Chateau Frontenac, aka the background picture on my blog! Quebec is seriously so beautiful, the city looks like you could be in Europe!

So I found out Saturday that I am being transferred to the Montreal East Branch on the Island of Montreal! I hear that there are a lot of Haitians there and I`m super excited to meet my new companion (who is Haitian American) and learn some creole! 

Spiritual Thought:
Mosiah 12: 27 ``Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore ye have not been wise. Therefore what teach ye this people?``

I`m realizing more and more that if you don`t put your heart into this work (or any work really) you can`t teach. I`ve seen that by loving the people, and TELLING them that you love them, it changes everything. 

True wisdom comes when the mind and the heart work together.

Sister Smith 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week 14: Ilse Aux Coudre and Piggy Chips!

This week was really crazy and I don`t have a whole ton of time to write about everything.... which means more pictures! 

So we have a REALLY big area.... like REALLY big, and we happen to have some members that live on this adorable island 2 hours away, and because they`re amazing member missionaries we have a few investigators on the island and so once a month we go to visit! This is the ferry over :)


​Also we went over to see our Recent Convert Florencio and we talked about the gospel and he fed us food (outside his door because with only two sisters we can`t go in) and he found these piggy chips and he gave them to us to try and we died laughing at the name! 

Also tender mercy.... I was having a really really hard week and my favorite family in the entire world, knowing I love blueberries from here until the end of the earth bought me chocolate covered FRESH blueberries.... they were SO good. 

 They didn`t even know this week was really hard, they were just being their wonderful selves and serving others. I know that God is mindful of us through our trials and that He has little ways of letting us know that He is there and mindful of us. 

 If you`re going through hard times, look for the little things that let you know that God is there, watching over you :) 


Sister Smith